Matt and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in Savannah, GA. I really wanted to look cute in Savannah, so I went to Walmart to purchase my "Savannah outfit." Due to ROLLBACKS, I was actually able to purchase two "Savannah outfits" and still be under budget. We arrived at The Marshall House around 2ish. By 2:30 we were on a trolley seeing the sights. I am so happy we did the trolley tour because there is no way we would have seen everything otherwise. The Oglethorpe Trolley Tour was cheap, $15 per person, and they came and picked us up from The Marshall House. The tour lasted about 90 minutes, and then we hopped off the trolley on Bay Street. Before the trip, Matt did a little restaurant research and found this place called B. Matthews. The menu looked delicious and the reviews were all positive.When we got to B. Matthews a sign on the door said that they would reopen at 5:00, luckily there was an empty table outside, so we took a seat. At this point I was cussing my "Savannah outfit" because it was not conducive to sweating and walking. I originally thought that a long black flowing skirt would allow me to receive a nice summer breeze. Not so. The rubbing together of my inner thighs made me wish I had stashed a tube of Lanacane anti chafing gel in my purse. We waited about thirty minutes for B. Matthews to open, and when we finally made it into that air conditioned building I smiled a goofy kind of smile. B. Matthews was worth waiting for. Matt started out with a Stella and me, a Key lime Martini. As we sipped on our fancy drinks and listened to Joni Mitchell and devoured the appetizer with a name neither of us could pronounce, we felt secretly hip. How could we not. The setting was old, dark, rustic, and yet modern. The waitresses radiated coolness and the cuisine was worthy of its mention in Food Network Magazine. We were wannabe hipsters living it up for one night in steamy Savannah. It was fun! After dinner we walked back to the hotel to rinse off and rest our feet. Due to dehydration, my fingers and toes looked like breakfast sausages, but after several bottles of water, we were ready for round 2. We decided to head towards the river, and boy were we surprised. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of people lined the streets. Matt and I had to walk single file to snake through the crowds. At this point I wasn't feeling so hip. It was neat to see such an eclectic mix of people out and about, but we just aren't bar hopping folks. We decided to leave being hip to the hipsters and head back to The Marshall House where we slipped into our complimentary robes, flipped on the boob tube, and wondered if the kids were sleeping soundly at Grandma's. Ten years later and "I DO" means as much now as it did then. Matt and I have this silly little phrase that we use to keep each other honest
- I swear to you. It is absolutely forbidden to break an
I swear to you. So, Matt, if you are reading this, I swear to you that our trip to Savannah was wonderful and although we may no longer be hip(slang) as defined by Wiki, we are still pretty dang cool. Can I get an AMEN?!
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