Taco Night


Liv and Jo


Beautiful Princess

Luke loves hanging with the girls.  I can't say that they feel the same way.

My bff, Leaa, came over yesterday and brought her two precious little girls.  Alivia and Josie had a fabulous time playing dress up, and I had a fabulous time snuggling with baby Dylan.  My kids are convinced that Leaa is their Aunt and Jesse is their Uncle and Alivia and Dylan are their cousins.   I'm thinking we should just go with it.  I grew up calling my mom's bff- Aunt Jo and I still do to this day.
Aunt Leaa, we are so glad y'all were able to come enjoy taco night with the Bergs.  Let's do it again soon.


Margaret said...

What good looking little girls!

Alyson and Ford said...

Love the pictures of the children! Happy faces!
